

Selected work

A Swedish creative with nearly two decades of experience delivering award-winning work to clients worldwide, now based in Florida.

Brands I have had the privilege to work with.

Brands I have had the privilege to work with.


The Canvas Experiment

We made The Canvas - a full-functional digital screen built out of 480 Chuck Taylors, each connected to a servomotor enabling 180 degree rotation. One shoe = one pixel. 


The Canvas Experiment was founded on two concepts: ‘a blank Canvas for self-expression’ and ‘independent enough not to follow’. Converse is dedicated to enabling engaging brand experiences with an emphasis on music, art and events. Our idea was to use the shoes themselves as the vehicle for delivering one-off and exciting experiences.

+50% Sales in stores with screens

To support the campaign launch, two interactive Canvas window installations were unveiled at flagship Converse stores, including the Courier store in Paris and the Converse store in Berlin. These installations reacted to the movements of passersby, creating an engaging experience. Additional elements of the Canvas concept were showcased in Barcelona, Madrid, and Milan, and it also made an appearance in the UK as part of Schuh’s 30th birthday celebration.


20M Facebook impressions
+800 000 New fans
26M Unique users
+50% Sales in stores with screens


Silver Design
Silver Promo & Activation
Bronze Cyber

Silver Design
Silver Promo & Activation
Silver Interactive

Silver Design
Silver Promo & Activation
Silver Interactive

Gold Media Innovation

Wood Pencil Spatial Design / Installations

Site of the Day


Catch magic hour

Peak Performance approached us to create a compelling social media campaign—and we delivered. However, we wanted to create a physical experience to get people to actually doing what the brand is built for: running, hiking, and exploring the world's most breathtaking locations.


Geolocated pop-up stores in remote locations.

So, we launched digital pop-up stores accessible via mobile, strategically placed in stunning and remote locations across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. At each shop, everything was completely free—but there was a catch. The store was only open during Magic Hour, twice a day—just after sunrise and right before sunset.

What better way to inspire our consumers than by helping them experience the transformative beauty of Magic Hour?

Every store sold out except one, Mont Blanc. The campaign was featured in over 100 blogs and online media outlets, making it the most successful campaign in the client’s history in terms of brand performance relative to cost.

During and after the promotion, Peak Performance’s website saw its highest-ever traffic for a campaign period.


Shortlist Promo & Activation

Winner Retail

Gold Device

Silver Digital

Mobile of the Day

Gold Mobile


Who is your second team?

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has faced significant criticism. Meanwhile, Sweden is politically divided at home, and the Swedish national football team isn’t participating. So, how can Oddset (Sweden’s first betting company) inspire Swedes to watch and engage with the World Cup from home?


The national team
jersey webshop

At the core of the campaign are 32 unique national team jerseys—but with one significant twist. Each jersey showcases the colors of a World Cup team while prominently featuring the Sweden emblem at its heart. This design aims to unite countries and allows fans to express their support for both Sweden and their other favorite national team. Oddset's exclusive World Cup jerseys were available for purchase on a webshop, featuring real fans proudly wearing the shirts.

Real fans broadcasted
on national TV

I also served as the film director during the shoot, which took place on a cold night in Sweden with 32 people in the films. The concept of the film was to capture the moment just before a game begins, as the teams stand and listen to their national anthems. Broadcast on both TV and digital platforms.

  • “’Swedzerland’, what else? Many people think we are the same country anyway.”

    Francois Voeffray
    Ambassador Switzerland

  • “Are you at the same time ‘lagom’ like a Smurf and cheerful like a Belgian beer? Then support team Belgium”

    Carl Peeters
    Ambassador Belgium

  • “Australia and Sweden are united in football – the women’s national team is coached by Tony Gustavsson. Heja på ett land down under this World Cup and support the Socceroos!”

    Bernard Philip
    Ambassador Australia


The campaign achieved all time high engagement for the brand. The jerseys, along with the celebration of diverse cultures, sparked vibrant conversations across social media. This success was evident as all the specially designed shirts sold out within just three days—a remarkable achievement for a campaign that lacked the usual assets of a national team, star players, and inherent national pride.

Campaign of the month in Resumé.se with the verdicts:

Karl Nelson, Creative, Spotlight:
- Beautiful message that shows that an individual's national identity can contain more flags than just one.

Andrea Sundström, copy, Forsman och Bodenfors:
- Strong insight that results in a great idea.

Malin Berg, Art Director, Dentsu Creative:
- Sharp and nice insight! Creating communication for gaming companies can be a bit of an uphill battle, but here they have succeeded.


Free Run it with Sébastien Foucan

To promote its new Ariake running shoe, K-Swiss enlisted Sebastien Foucan, the founder of freerunning and a key figure in the early development of parkour. Foucan is widely recognized for his role as Mollaka, the villain in Casino Royale, featured in the iconic, action-packed chase scene.

Sébastien and K-Swiss aimed to inspire others to embrace self-expression through the art of freerunning. That’s when the idea struck me: what if we allowed people to express themselves in their own way—by typing a message—and then let Foucan literally "Free Run" through that message?

The website, designed as a virtual canvas, offered a unique and interactive experience. Users typed a personal message, and each keystroke transforms into an exhilarating obstacle course, where Foucan performed dynamic moves across giant letters of the alphabet. Nothing was censored, allowing you to share your message with the world, send a note to a friend, or simply express yourself freely


Nominee Best Visual Design Honoree Sports

Site of the Day


Searching for

Swedes have a deep passion for English football— closely linked to Sweden's oldest and most popular betting pool, Stryktipset.

However, as the Premier League season draws to a close, most teams have secured their spots in the standings, causing interest to wane.

So, how could we reignite the excitement among Swedish football fans?


We started the search for Tottenham.

We discovered that many Swedes have adopted the names of their favorite football clubs. There are Manchesters, Liverpools, Arsenals, and plenty of Chelseas... but not a single Tottenham in all of Sweden!

“Maybe someone at the Swedish authorities is an Arsenal fan?”

So we searched for, and kinda found, Sweden's first Tottenham. While the Swedish authorities approved name-change applications for most other clubs, they rejected the application for Sweden's first Tottenham. We turned this into a compelling 'David vs. Goliath' story that captured worldwide attention.

Inspired to change their names

The campaign also inspired over hundred fans to incorporate their favorite club's name into their own, while starting conversations among thousands more around the watercoolers.


More than 100 people applied to have their names changed. A 140% increase in interest in placing more bets on Stryktipset. Over 30 million people reached through earned media. A 36% increase in positive attitude towards the brand.

Spurs super-fan from Sweden barred from changing name to 'Tottenham'

Arsenal yes, Tottenham no. They didn't let him change his name, so he's going to court

Swedish man dismayed after being told he can not change name to Tottenham

Tottenham supporter rebels after not being able to have club name in his documents


Around the Globe

We developed the concept Around the Globe, where we explored Jarlsberg's journey across the world, drawing inspiration from delicious recipes and iconic national dishes infused with cheese. As we traveled from country to country, we uncovered how our cheese has unexpectedly woven itself into global culinary culture.

13 National dishes

To bring this to life, we identified 13 national dishes and cultural nuances, crafting content that went beyond a simple social media post. Our goal was to create something that stood out, sparking reactions and playfully engaging with the enduring “friendly” rivalries between nations.


Christmas Carol Commentary

It seems not everyone in the family enjoys sitting in front of the TV watching English football during Christmas. But for those who do, a savior arrived! With commentary delivered to the tune of classic Christmas carols, our singing commentators brought the games to life on live radio. Christmas harmony restored!


120 min, 34 songs covering 9 games

Four songwriters closely followed the games, turning the events into lyrics set to the tunes of classic Christmas carols in real-time. As soon as a song was ready, the lyrics were displayed to the singers via a teleprompter. Accompanied by a pianist, the singers performed the songs live on air.

  • "You did it. My wife, who can't tell football from ski jumping, is yearning to hear this"


  • "Even I can consider watching a game or two if the commentators offer buttery singing instead of annoying bullshit and foul language"


  • "It was so beautiful, I got goosebumps, I'm gonna make a bet"


All time high betting record by an impressive 13%! Both national and local media covered the campaign across newspapers, television, and public service radio. The campaign reached twice the population of Sweden (over 22 million people). 38% of the people that we reached took action.


Titti Schultz, host of P4 Riks, one of Sweden's biggest Radio shows:
"I think this is amazing! Very, very fun and even people who aren't that into sports will be able to enjoy this, of that I'm sure"

Expressen, one of Swedens biggest evening paper:
"Andreas Weise and David Lindgren becomes Sweden's first singing commentators."

Tilde de Paula, Nyhetsmorgon, one of Sweden's biggest morning TV shows:
"Those who are into football will be able to enjoy themselves as well as those who want to celebrate Christmas? This is almost too much fun!"

Diploma Audio

Installations around the world

Installations around the world

I have had the privilege of contributing to the creation of installations across the globe. These include projects like a movie making machine in a KFC restaurant in Moscow, a projection system in Milan that displays messages on jeans to mimic the laser engraving process, and a motion-sensored map made of Sonos speakers in New York. The colorful map represented the five boroughs and allowed users to wave their hands to select locations, triggering songs by artists from those hometowns.

Bringing H&M Campaigns to Life

I worked on several fall and spring campaigns for H&M, creating a variety of animations—from paper-cut animations inspired by Sonia Rykiel's collection in Paris to infinity loop animations showcasing exploding clothes, and falling leaves capturing the essence of autumn.

Passion Projects

I've always had side projects for as long as I can remember. Creating music videos for friends. My childhood friends and I spent five years developing a strategy board game, which we successfully funded and sold worldwide. More recently, I've been experimenting with AI-generated video.